Who is Tumma?

TUMMA is an alliance of manufacturers in the Upper Mississippi River Region of West Central Wisconsin, SE Minnesota and NE Iowa.
TUMMA Vision Statement: “Connecting the Employees of Tomorrow with the Manufacturers of Today”
TUMMA Mission Statement: “TUMMA’s mission is to build a strong manufacturing workforce of the future by uniting manufacturers, educators, and students.”
TUMMA’s goals are to strengthen the region’s manufacturing environment and create a skilled and competitive workforce by combining the efforts of business, education, and support agencies.
- Promote the many different careers in manufacturing.
- Advance collaborative efforts that promote the health of area manufacturers.
- Strengthen workforce development pipelines for manufacturing; including youth apprenticeship, adult registered apprenticeship, work experiences, skills, certificates and higher education programs.
- Collaborate and communicate on the manufacturing Seven Rivers Regional Career Pathway for regional high schools.
- Grow partnerships for visibility and training between manufacturing and K-12 School Districts, Technical Colleges, Universities and the media.
The manufacturing sector was the leader in supporting private sector jobs with 24,690 of the 196,013 jobs in the nine county Mississippi River Region in Western Wisconsin. Health care and social assistance was second with 24,583 jobs followed by retail trade with 20,635 jobs.
Most recent figures available for Gross Regional Product show manufacturing as the greatest contributor to the region’s GRP with a value of $13.57 billion, producing over $2.0 billion in earnings, property income and taxes. Heath care and social assistance followed, contributing $1.3 billion – including $10 million in government subsidies. Crop and animal production was third, contributing $0.89 billion including $19 million in government subsidies.
The region’s manufacturers also pay an average earning of $52,200 per employee. This is significantly above the $46,351 regional average earning. These earnings multiplied by the 24,000 plus manufacturing jobs mentioned above results in an economic wave across the region of $1.3 billion annually. This economic wave is unique because it is created mostly from fresh capital coming back to the manufacturers from their exports to other regions.
This fresh capital then turns into wages and supply chain purchases that go on to benefit retailing, transportation, education, construction, restaurants, lodging, health care and many other business sectors in the region.
TUMMA is an alliance of manufacturers in the Upper Mississippi River Region of Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin.
TUMMA’s vision is to have our Tri-State Area recognized as a world leader in manufacturing capabilities and career opportunities.
TUMMA’s mission is to strengthen the regions manufacturing environment and create a skilled and competitive workforce by combining the efforts of business, education and support agencies.
Source: Economic Modeling Specialists International and Mississippi River Regional Planning Commission.